27 de novembre 2012
Eleccions 25N: referèndum al 2013, com suggereix el Financial Times? (Ramon Tremosa)
Passats dos dies de les eleccions la premsa internacional es fa ressò dels seus resultats. Ahir el diari Finacial Times, el més influent a Europa, dedicava la foto de la portada a Artur Mas, amb un titular prou explícit: "Els partits independentistes catalans guanyen un radical mandat pel referèndum".
Avui el mateix diari dedica una notícia a la pàgina 4 ("Catalonian vote
adds to push for secession", tota la pàgina 9 amb una llarga crònica de
David Gardner i una foto espectacular a color d'una robada castellera ("Catalans many not have givern Artur Mas a majority, but they did vote overwhelmingly for secessionist parties")
i un dels seus editorials. Curiosament, aquest ha estat comentat al
matí a RAC1 però aquest ha omés per mi la frase més significativa: "Els
partits separatistes havien suggerit el 2014 com l'any del
referèndum... però ateses les seves deíferents visions socials de CiU i
ERC aquest podria fer-se fins i tot abans ("sooner that that").
Mentre el llegia he pensat en alguns articles meus escrits al diari
Avui al 2004 i al 2006 demanant i argumentat un pacte entre CiU i ERC
("esquerrovergència"). No m'hauria imaginat mai que un dels diaris més
importants del món fes un editorial parlant tota l'estona de CiU i ERC, un editorial esquerrovergent!
Avui també he enviat un email a tots els diputats, assistents i grups
polítics del Parlament Europeu, tot comentant breument les eleccions
catalanes, amb el link de l'editorial del FT esmentat. Aqui la teniu.
Dear colleagues,
usual after Catalan elections, please find an update on the outcome of
the vote which took place last Sunday 25th November 2012. The main facts
of these elections are:
· Very high participation: 70% compared to 59% in 2010 to elect 135 MPs of the Catalan Parliament. It proves that the issue of self-determination matters. This participation has been even higher than in last Spanish elections of 2011 in Catalonia (66%).
· CiU remains the first Party of Catalonia with 50 MPs and the 30% of the vote: 1,112,341 votes (1,202,830
in 2010). CiU has lost 12 seats, 11 of which have gone to a left-wing
independentist party (ERC), because of the austerity measures applied by
the CiU government in the last 2 years.
· The second party in the Catalan Parliament is an independentist one: ERC has got 21 MPs (496,292 votes), rising from 10 MPs in 2010 (218,046 votes). His leader, Oriol Junqueras, has been MEP in the Green/ALE group between 2009 and 2011).
· Pro-referendum parties won 87 of the 135 MPs in the Catalan parliament (1 more compared to 2010), because Catalan Greens (13 MPs of ICVerds, the party of Raül Romeva) and Catalan Communists (3 MPs) also support the referendum.
· Both Spanish parties (PP and PSOE) have obtained together the 27% of the votes, falling from 31% they got in 2010. PSOE got 20 MPs with 523,333 votes (28 MPs in 2010) and PP got 19 MPs with 471,197 votes (18 Mps in 2010).
· The anti-independence parties reach only 48 MPs of the 135 MPs:
there's a third party, Ciutadans which obtained 9 MPs. It is a new
pro-Spanish party not dependent from the 2 big Spanish parties of
· Even if, in the last week of the campaign, there has been in some Madrid press a huge blaming game against the Catalan President Artur Mas,
with allegations of corruption and having secret banc accounts in
Switzerland, according to a supposed existing dossier from the Spanish police which has not been demonstrated, Artur Mas and CiU has clearly won again the elections. Yesterday he declared during a press conference, that the referendum will surely take place in this legislature.
Full results of the vote can be found here:
Let me quote a short passage of the FT editorial published today: Barcelona’s draw
True, CiU and ERC have enough seats to form a governing coalition that
would put the question of sovereignty at the heart of its programme. But
the parties hold opposite views on the economy, with ERC strongly
opposed to the programme of fiscal consolidation championed by Mr Mas. Separatists
suggest 2014 as a possible date for a plebiscite. The glue holding CiU
and ERC together could come unstuck sooner than that. "
On this note of hope, I wish you a great day and week
Best regards,
Ramon Tremosa-i-Balcells
Catalan MEP, ALDE Group
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- De tots colors ... #no_ens_falleu
- El "Punt-Avui+" l'encerta: #no_ens_falleu !!!
- 26N12: Una persona, un vot. Guanya el sobiranisme.
- L’independentisme creix i més 2,075.000 vots deman...
- Solidaritat és la garantia que el procés cap a la ...
- Catalunya Acció al costat dels que treballen ferma...
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- La sana ruptura que de cap manera podrem evitar
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